Independent examinations and tests
Solid technical foundation
Well-meaning intentions and green desires will not solve the crises facing our oceans. We need action. However, any action must be well thought out. That is why we are investing in official tests of SeaProtectorOne and documentation from independent experts and players in the field of green transition and technology. Researchers and other official recognised bodies and institutions are therefore also getting involved in our tireless work to perfect SeaProtectorOne. Most recently, in collaboration with Aarhus Municipality, we have seen how in just one year a single SeaProtectorOne captured 63,000 bits of waste that would otherwise have been discharged into the world's oceans (see more under the Aarhus case).
You can find some of our results and documentation on this page. If you still have questions about our documentation or SeaProtectorOne, you are always welcome to contact us.
Report from the Artlinco innovation house
Report from independent innovation house
In this report from 2020, Artlinco, an impartial consultant, tested the efficiency with which SeaProtectorOne is able to collect different types of waste under specific conditions. The report contains detailed descriptions of the technology, the extent of the plastic problem, and findings and conclusions from tests of SeaProtectorOne carried out at the Tangeværket Dam in Viborg from 29 April to 9 July 2020.
Highlighted test results from the report
of plastic bottles and cans are captured
of food and sweet wrappers are captured
of disposable lighters are captured
of plastic bags are captured
of disposable cups are captured
of macroplastics are expected to be captured
Read the report from the World Economic Forum
The New Plastics Economy: By 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish
A staggering 150 million tonnes of plastic bags, plastic bottles and packaging are floating around in the world's oceans, and the volume is rising. In fact, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. That's the message in a report entitled The New Plastics Economy prepared for the World Economic Forum by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation with analytical support from McKinsey & Co. The report sets the framework for the global challenge of plastic pollution, the economic cost, and what it will take to solve the problem.

Become part of the solution
The world's oceans need our help. Contact us and help turn words into action. We have a solution and we are ready to present it and answer any questions – big or small.
If you want to know more about what SeaProtectorOne can do for you, get in touch and we will be happy to get back to you.